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group of fellows

Current Fellows

Meet our 2024 fellows

The Fulbright Israel Commission welcomes the new 2024 cohort of the Fulbright Fellowship. These extraordinary individuals, path-breaking fellows were selected from a highly competitive pool of applicants for their program. We are proud to introduce these newest fellows.
Ahmad Asaly
Ahmad Asaly
Foreign Language Teaching Assistant Fellowship
Tel Aviv University
University of New Hampshire
Alex "Eli" Pottash - no background
Alex Pottash
Postdoctoral USA
University of Maryland, College Park
Weizmann Institute of Science
Alon Saguy
Alon Saguy
Postdoctoral Fellowship
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
Columbia University
Barak Sabbagh
Barak Sabbagh
Biomedical Engineering
Postdoctoral Fellowship
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
University of California San Diego
Ben Israeli
Ben Y. Israeli
Plasma Physics
Postdoctoral Fellowship
Princeton University
Weizmann Institute of Science
Carrie Anne Thomas
Carrie Anne Thomas
Literature for children and young adults
Postdoctoral Fellowship
The Ohio State University
Oranim Academic College of Education
Cherie Miner
Cherie Miner
Public Health
Master's Degree
Hanover College
University of Haifa
Dan Edidin
Dan Edidin
Distinguished (Senior) Scholar Fellowship
University of Missouri
Tel Aviv University
Dana Golan
Dana Golan Miller
Museum Education
Master's Degree
Tel Aviv University
The George Washington University
Danielle Wiransky
Danielle Wirsansky
PhD Research
Florida State University
Bar-Ilan University
Deborah Fischer
Deborah Fischer
MFA Sculpture
Master's Degree
Bezalel Academy of Art and Design Jerusalem
Rhode Island School of Design
Derek Burrell - no background
Derek Burrell
Postdoctoral Fellowship
University of Arizona
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Einat Elizarov
Einat Elizarov-Israel
Postdoctoral Fellowship
University of Haifa
University of Maryland
Elon Slutzky
Elon Slutzky
Mental Health
PhD Research
Northeastern University
Bar-Ilan University
Eric Cline
Eric H. Cline
Classics and Anthropology
Distinguished (Senior) Scholar Fellowship
The George Washington University
University of Haifa
Frankee Lyons
Frankee Lyons
Eastern European History
Postdoctoral Fellowship
University of Illinois Chicago
University of Haifa
Gabriel Ben-Haim
Gabriel Ben-Haim
Education Policy
Master's Degree
The Open University of Israel
Harvard University
Gabriella Vulakh
Gabriella Vulakh
Master's Degree
Brown University
Tel Aviv University
Hananel Shapira
Hananel Shapira
Postdoctoral Fellowship
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Harvard University
Inbar Chityat
Inbar Chityat
Mechanical Engineering
Master's Degree
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Israel Gabay
Israel Gabay
Mechanical Engineering
Postdoctoral Fellowship
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
Cornell University
Itay Bahar
Itay Bahar
Chemistry and Physics
Distinguished Awards in Teaching Program (DAI)
The Open University of Israel
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Jeffrey Cross - no background
Jeffrey Cross
Religious Studies
Postdoctoral USA
University of Minnesota
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Jody Lawrence
Jody Kahn Lawrence
Distinguished (Senior) Scholar Fellowship
University of Northern Colorado
Oranim Academic College of Education
Justin Oh
Justin Oh
Computer Science
Postdoctoral Fellowship
The University of Texas at Austin
University of Haifa
Lev Brodinsky
Lev Brodinsky
MFA Dramatic Writing
Master's Degree
Kibbutzim College of Education
NYU-New York University
Levi Prombaum - no background
Levi Prombaum
Art History
Postdoctoral USA
Colby College
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Maayan Shemer
Maayan Shemer
Postdoctoral Fellowship
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Yale University
Margaret Culuris-Harp
Margaret Culuris-Harp
Art History
Master's Degree
University of California, Davis
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Margaret Oganezov
Margaret Oganezov
Foreign Language Teaching Assistant Fellowship
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Northwestern University
May Jbali
May Jbali
Master's Degree
Tel Aviv University
Harvard University
Maya Gayer
Maya Gayer
Oral History
Master's Degree
Tel Aviv University
Columbia University
Michael Therien
Michael J. Therien
Distinguished (Senior) Scholar Fellowship
Duke University
Weizmann Institute of Science
Miriam R. L. Petruck
Distinguished (Senior) Scholar Fellowship
University of California, Berkeley
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Natalia Kononov
Natalia Kononov
Postdoctoral Fellowship
Tel Aviv University
University of Pennsylvania
Natan Tayachew
Natan Tayachew
Public Policy
Master's Degree
University of Haifa
Brandeis University
Nermin Toukhy
Nermin Toukhy
Postdoctoral Fellowship
Bar-Ilan University
University of Pittsburgh
Noa Zilberman
Noa Zilberman Rilov
Postdoctoral Fellowship
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
Princeton University
Nofar Shemla Kadosh - not Rami
Nofar Shemla Kadosh
Master's Degree
Tel Aviv University
NYU-New York University
Nurit Canetti
Nurit Canetti
Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship
Tel Aviv University
Arizona State University
Omer Maliniak
Omer Maliniak
Postdoctoral Fellowship
Bar-Ilan University
Harvard University
Oren Cohen
Oren Cohen
Arts Management
Master's Degree
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Carnegie Mellon University
Orr Avni
Orr Avni
Mechanical Engineering
Postdoctoral Fellowship
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
Brown University
Osher Azulay
Osher Azulay
Computer Science
Postdoctoral Fellowship
Tel Aviv University
University of California
Rachel Neve Midbar no background
Rachel Neve-Midbar
Postdoctoral USA
University of Southern California
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Rachelle Grossman
Rachelle Grossman
Comparative Literature
Postdoctoral Fellowship
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Tel Aviv University
Rafael Deliz Aguirre
Rafael Deliz-Aguirre
Theoretical Biophysics
Postdoctoral Fellowship
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Weizmann Institute of Science
Rawan Asali
Foreign Language Teaching Assistant Fellowship
Tel Aviv University
Bard College
Richard Seeno
Richard Seeno
Master's Degree
University of Oxford
Tel Aviv University
Safa Naamneh
Safa Naamneh
Master's Degree
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Fordham University
Samah Wattad
Samah Wattad
Communication management
Master's Degree
Oranim Academic College of Education
The George Washington University
Sapir Bitton approved
Sapir Bitton
Electrical Engineering
Postdoctoral Fellowship
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Shadi Omar
Shadi Omar
Museum Anthropology
Master's Degree
Tel Aviv University
Columbia University
Shlomo Gedamo
Shlomo Gedamo
Master's Degree
Bar-Ilan University
University of California
Shuyi Yin - no background
Shuyi Yin
Historic Preservation
Postdoctoral Fellowship
Columbia University
Bezalel Academy of Art and Design Jerusalem
Stephanie Chavez
Stephanie Chavez
Nonprofit Management
Master's Degree
University of North Texas
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Tamer Masudin
Tamer Masudin
Business Administration
Master's Degree
Reichman University (IDC Herzliya)
Brandeis University
Tiba Hamza
Tiba Hamza
Biomedical Engineering
Open Study/Research Fellowship
Caltech - California Institute of Technology
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
Tom Koren
Tom Koren
Curatorial Studies
Master's Degree
Tel Aviv University
School of Visual Arts, New York
Tomer Babu
Tomer Babu
Postdoctoral Fellowship
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
The University of Texas at Austin
Tzur Goldin
Tzur Goldin
Public Policy
Master's Degree
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Harvard University
Tzvi Luboshitz
Tzvi Luboshitz
Religious Studies
Postdoctoral Fellowship
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Stanford University
Uria Gan
Uria Gan
Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Virginia Commonwealth University
Zachary Sercel - no background
Zachary Sercel
Postdoctoral USA
Caltech - California Institute of Technology
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology